High School Med Club Students Learn Anatomy at Cadaver Lab
Med Club students from Scotland County High School went on a field trip to the ATSU Cadaver Lab on the medical school campus in Kirksville on May 6, 2024. Dr. Jay Nastav, General Surgeon at Scotland County Hospital led the lab. Nastav is pictured with students, teachers and hospital staff. Participating students: Jaci Knupp, Lily Wheeler, Hannah Whitney, Lilly Frederick, Kendal Anderson and Keeley Brown. The SCR-1 High School science teachers that accompanied the students were Ms. Terri Slaughter and Mr. Ryan Anderson.
Med Club students from Scotland County High School in Memphis had an incredibly interesting experience on a field trip to the ATSU Cadaver Lab on the medical school campus in Kirksville on May 6, 2024. Six students and two science teachers were accompanied by Scotland County Hospital staff on the field trip. The Med Club program is organized by Scotland County Hospital staff in cooperation with area high schools.
Studying cadavers is not for the faint of heart. However, this field trip to the ATSU Cadaver Lab was an exciting opportunity to expand students’ learning of human anatomy. Kendal Anderson, a senior at Scotland County High School participated in the field trip and said this, “I think it was a great experience for me and other students in the Med Club to get more hands-on experience and learn more about the medical field.”
Dr. Jay Nastav, ATSU alumnus and General Surgeon at Scotland County Hospital led the cadaver lab experience, he said, “This kind of field trip allows students to observe and touch the structures they have learned about in science or human anatomy classes. This group asked a lot of good questions. I think the experience gave them, at least an initial sense, of determining if they are up to the possibility of a future career in medicine and healthcare.” Prior to going to medical school, Dr. Nastav taught nursing students. He said he has always enjoyed teaching and working with kids and medical students. “This is a great opportunity for high school students to see what a real cadaver looks like. Most people don’t experience a cadaver lab until they’re already in a college program, so hopefully, this allowed these students to visualize what a degree in medicine would entail,” said Dr. Nastav. He also discussed the organ donation & transplant process with the students and body donations to science.
Lily Wheeler, a freshman at Scotland County High School, said, “I enjoyed the hands-on experience. After the initial aw and a little bit of shock, I just went for it. I’m glad I got the opportunity to go on the field trip.”
Med Club meetings & field trips are designed to increase emphasis on math and science, stressing their importance in preparation and pursuit of healthcare careers.