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Patient’s Rights
Scotland County Hospital & Clinics
- The patient has the right to be free from abuse, neglect or harassment;
- The patient has the right to be treated with consideration and respect;
- The patient has the right to protective oversight while a patient is in the hospital;
- The patient or his/her designated representative has the right to be informed regarding the hospital’s plan
of care for the patient; - The patient or his/her designated representative has the right to be informed, upon request, regarding
general information pertaining to services received by the patient; - The patient or his/her designated representative has the right to review the patient’s medical record and
to receive copies of the record at a reasonable photocopy fee; - The patient or his/her designated representative has the right to participate in the patient’s discharge
planning, including being informed of service options that are available to the patient and a choice of
agencies which provide the service; - When a patient has brought personal possessions to the hospital, she/he has the right to have these
possessions reasonably protected; - The patient has the right to accept medical care or to refuse it to the extent permitted by law and to be
informed of the medical consequences of refusal. The patient has the right to appoint a surrogate to
make health care decisions on his/her behalf to the extent permitted by law; - The patient, responsible party or designee has the right to participate in treatment decisions and the care
planning process; - The patient has the right to be informed of the hospital’s patient grievance policies and procedures,
including who to contact and how; and - The patient has the right to file a formal or informal verbal or written grievance and to expect a prompt
resolution of the grievance, including a timely written notice of the resolution. The grievance may be
made by a patient or the patient’s representative. Any patient service or care issue that cannot be
resolved promptly by staff present will be considered a grievance for purposes of this requirement. The
written notice of the resolution should include information on the steps taken on behalf of the patient to
investigate the grievance, the results of the investigation, and the date the investigation was completed.
If the corrective action is still being evaluated, the hospital’s response should state that the hospital is
still working to resolve the grievance and the hospital will follow-up with another written response when
the investigation is complete or within a specified time frame.
Grievance Forms are available at the Registration Desk. Grievances can be submitted to
Heather Ayer, Director of Quality Improvement & Safety or Meagan Weber, CEO.
If you have any further questions please call 660-465-8511.